choosing doubt as a philosophy is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation
--yann martel

Sunday, March 28, 2010

sun protection factor

"The sun is mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace ...." So goes the song that carols a warning to all those who expose themselves to the sun's magnificent power.

What to do on a beautifully sunny Sabbath day? Well, I'll tell you what I did. I took me a blanket and headed to the park for some ponder time. The setting was picture perfect: some appreciated sunshine, a slight breeze, a blanket under my back, and my books to keep me company. I had nothing but time on my hands. Now, the trouble with this situation is not the setting, but rather the time of day. Not only was it a Sunday afternoon, but also a Fast Sunday. You can probably see where this is headed.

After a wonderful hour in the sun, reading and recording my thoughts, I began to feel quite sleepy. I thought to myself, "Hey, Self, you really ought to move into the shade now. You've been out here for a while. Don't forget that this is your first exposure to the sun this year." Being the genius that I am, however, I decided instead to lie down and rest my eyes for just a few more minutes. Rest my eyes? Who am I kidding? I've known since I was four what "resting my eyes" means; I learned that one from my parents.

The ending to this story should be astutely obvious at this point: my eye resting episode lasted for almost an hour. When I was awakened by a welcome phone call, I didn't immediately realize the predicament I had put myself into. But soon after I began to feel the tight, achy effects from the lack of UV protection. Simply put, I got cooked.

On the bright side, the nap was fantastic.

c. johnson

1 comment:

  1. I love to "rest my eyes". I have fond memorys of going to church and then coming home to "rest our eyes." Bryan has yet to understand the joy of what I call a nap. Sorry about the sun burn. Look at it this way, you are ahead of the rest of the winter white glow. See you Sunday.
